Maverick ADR - 2005
Spinal Cord Stimulator - October 2006
Maverick Explantation / fusion - April 2007
Posterior decompression and Coflex - May 2007
2007, Munich,
first contacted me for help in February 2007. She
was 2 years post op from the Maverick ADR and had been completely
disabled since
her accident, over
3 years ago. In
the years since her failed ADR surgery, her doctors in Australia
had been telling her that her unrelenting leg pain and other problems
due to nerve damage that was already permanent and she had no surgical
options. She was considering going to the Alpha Klinik for
a work up and potential revision surgery with Dr. Zeegers. I
had seen too many cases of so called "permanent nerve damage" that
was ultimately resolved by a decompression surgery that I told
her “They
don’t know. They’re just telling you that to
make you go away.” (I was pleased to discover months later
when her Aunt Esther told me how important it was for Lorna to
see and hear
about my other clients who recovered from so called “permanent
nerve damage.” She told me that "her mood changed after
she spoke to you!")
was scheduled to be in Munich at the end of April. I could not be with
her for the surgery, but kept in close contact. She told me about recognizing
another patient from my website. She approached him in the waiting
room and said, "I know you... your Sam
Perroni from
website!" She and Sam became fast friends. Most days that Lorna
was in the hostpital, Sam brought her flowers.
words: I
walked into the Alpha Klinik
with both a sense of excitement
and apprehension. Here
I was on the
other side of the globe
for major surgery
but then... I spotted a
familiar face! It was Sam
from Global
Patient Network!! I introduced
myself and told Sam my
already knew his!!!) Sam
spent the next half
hour reassuring me that
I had done the right thing.
was no longer
just a story on the computer
but a real success right
in front of my eyes! Sam
was inspirational
to me
and after
that first meeting it was
early May, after the spine meeting in Berlin, I was fortunate enough
to get to see Lorna
there. When
I arrived in Germany, we had been communicating almost daily for
a couple
weeks. She’d
had the Maverick explanted and fusion with STALIF cage. The
surgery relieved her leg pain for a few days, but when she became
active again
the leg pain returned. A week later, Dr. Zeegers performed
a posterior decompression surgery and implanted a Coflex for additional
stability. That surgery again removed the leg pain and Lorna
was a different person. Before coming to Munich, she was unable
to stand up straight or walk normally because the pain was so intense. She
was deformed.
she could stand up straight, she still had balance problems, and difficulty
walking. She
could not have a cervical MRI because of the spinal cord stimulator
that had been implanted in a failed attempt to deal with th e leg pain. She
had a lumbar puncture in order to rule out other causes for the balance
and coordination issues. Unfortunately, the lumbar puncture generated
a CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) leak that had her hospitalized with severe
headache and nausea for almost two weeks. After that was resolved,
the decision was made to remove the spinal cord stimulator so that
an MRI could be performed. Unfortunately, the MRI results were
not clear. While there was some pathology demonstrated, it did
not seem to rise to the level that might be causing her symptoms. After
a great
deal of discussions and arguing between the entire team, it was decided
that a single level Mobi-C ADR at level C6-7 would be performed. By
this time, I was back at the Alpha Klinik with another client and was
fortunate enough to watch Lorna come through this process. The picture
at the left with Dr. Baumbach was taken on the night of her surgery.
have to say that I believe this could not have happened anywere else
in the world. The
efforts of Doctors Zeegers and Baumbach, and the entire Alpha Klinik
staff was amazing. Read Lorna's words about this in her iSpine post, here.
The picture
of Lorna balancing (on the video below) was taken two
days after her surgery. She
is standing on one foot,
which was completely impossible before
the cervical surgery. Just a few short hours
after her surgery, the balance and coordination
issues were resolved and there was again a spring
in her step. We had just finished a neurological exam
on my client,
and Dr. Baumbach had to go check up on Lorna. I
think this demonstrated the level of involvement
and commitment the entire team at the Alpha Klinik
and the support that Lorna received during her eight-week
ordeal in Munich had started over eight weeks ago, but
it really had been going on for over three years. With
four kids ages 4-16, she had been unable to pick up and
hold her four
year old. I
suggested that having been through so many ups and downs through the
years, and many ups and downs just in the past few weeks, her family
probably didn't even believe that she was doing so well. I
asked her if she wanted to create a short video message and put it
on the internet so they could see that their mom really was okay. We
took just a few minutes to shoot the video below...one take... 30
seconds of video. A
couple hours later, it was up on YouTube and off to her family with
some pictures.
that day, Lorna, her Aunt Esther, and I walked to Arabella Park
for dinner. It
was an amazing walk, as Lorna could walk looking up at me instead
of looking down at the ground. (Before her surgery, she needed
to watch
where she placed her foot for each step as the balance and coordination
issues were so profound, she would stumble if she didn't.) On
my last day in Munich, I got to see Lorna as she was in the Klinik
for her final check up before she returned to Australia.
picture at the right of Lorna with her father, Robert,
still brings tears to my eyes.
He stayed with her the entire eight weeks. His tireless
support is what gave Lorna the strength to get through the
an amazing transformation to see. To Lorna and her family... all the
best. Enjoy every minute
of your new lives. To Doctors Zeegers, Baumbach, Blome and all the
Alpha Klinik staff, THANK YOU for the work that you do. Your willingness
to go the extra mile for your patients provides so many, like Lorna,
Sam, AND ME a second chance at life!
words (11/7/07): My
family was an inspiration to me throughout
my ordeal, especially my husband Allan
and my
Dad, Robert who accompanied me to
Munich, absorbed
alot of my anxieties and
my spirits when I was at my lowest. I was fortunate
to have
my Dad there for the
8 weeks. As chief
wheelchair pusher, vomit bucket holder (thanks
DAD!), clothes washer and all round cheerer
up-erer. My wonderful husband,
Allan, was able
to be with me for the first major op but then
had to return to OZ to care for our brood.
Allan is the sort of man
that you
could only hope
your daughter would marry. He endured 3 years
of being my carer, masseur, housecleaner,
chauffeur, babysitter, counselor
and best friend, without
ever complaining. EVER!! WHAT A MAN! LOVE YOU
AL! Big thanks also have to go to my
mum for holding the fort in OZ,
after my four little
ones and being of immense support to us all.
More Big thanks have to go my sister
Victoria and Aunt Esther who travelled
Bahrain and
Scotland to lend their support to us in Munich
with much needed laughs and hugs. To
my ever suffering children
say a HUGE THANK YOU! Mummy
was a bit cranky
for 3 years
and you
were all so patient and you all loved
me anyway! LOVE
all Spineys out there know, the
spinal surgery road can be a very long one
and you can't
through it without support and (sometimes)
tough love
from your family.
Mine are the reason for my Alpha Klinik success!!!
won't lie and say that I am completely pain
free, I still have leg pain
that hangs around but it is pain that I can
live with. It can be annoying but it does
not interfer with my life the way it
did pre-Alpha Klinik. I will always need to
care for my spine, but now i can partake in
and not just view it from the sidelines (or
couch as it were)!!!
From: Lorna
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 9:13 PM
To: Mark S. Mintzer
Subject: Lorna! |
Hi Mark
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but I haven't been near my computer, I'm too busy living again!!! You will be pleased to know that I am still doing well and guess what? I WENT OUT DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still cannot believe that I have transformed from the little old lady with my walking stick to a vibrant young woman again!
went to see my GP a couple of weeks after I got back from Munich. He
took one look at me and said, "Lorna I am SO glad you
didn't listen to me!!" He
is a really supportive doctor but he was advised by my Aussie Neurologists
that I was basically a hopeless case and that "I needed to accept
my disability and get on with it," so
he didn't hold much hope for success in Munich. Now he knows differently!
I think that he will be more inclined to mention the magic
word "ALPHA KLINIK" the next time a "hopeless case" walks
through his door!
Since my return, my children and Allan have started to reap the rewards
of the new me! I have finally been able to take my little girl for
a walk to the beach (for the first time in her 4 years of life!). My
boys can't believe that they don't have to help mum get off the lounge,
walk up the stairs or bring a constant run of hot water bottles to
me. Allan tells me that it feels like we're newlyweds all over again!
After 3 years of having to help bathe and dress me he finally has the
woman he married with a permanant smile on her face instead of that "pain
face"...I know you know what I'm talking about, Mark!
I thank God
that I didn't listen to the naysayers over here that thought a 35 year
old mother of four should accept permanant disability without a fight!
Chronic pain is such a horrible thing. It eats away at your insides
and make you question your worth. I have realized that I have so much
to offer now. I am not in pain all the time anymore, so I have patience to deal with those I love, and an amazing appreciation
of my ability to contribute as a mum, wife and community member.
YOU for your support during my stay at
the Alpha
Klinik! You are an amazing person to link people
up with the brilliance of Dr. Zeegers and Dr. Baumbach!! If only we
could bottle their patience,
knowledge, expertise and commitment to their profession and give a
dose to all the doctors of this world!
Take Care!
HEY I'm going out dancing again tonight!!!!!!!
Lorna |
GPN Guestbook entries from Lorna's mom, Sandy
My daughter Lorna, had spinal surgery after an awful accident at work. She is 34 years of age and has 4 children. Every day is a battle for her to get around. She had a Maverick prosthesis inserted which has not been successful. She is virtually a cripple and it breaks my heart to see her in so much pain. She is going to have further surgery in October to have a spinal stimulater inserted and I pray that she will get relief from pain to have some normality in her life. She was a registered nurse, a very vivacious girl, full of personality who loved and lived life. She was always very active in her community and nothing was a bother to her. But now she cant sit for more than 10 minutes or stand for more than half an hour without being in terrible pain. I feel so frustrated that they can send people to the moon but cant give my daughter some quality in her life...Sorry just had to vent my frustrations, hate seeing my girl suffer so much.
Hi Mark, I just want to say what an absolute miracle Dr Zeegers and his team have performed on my daughter. When she left Australia she was in such a bad way. She had been in excruciating pain for 3 years. She'd had surgery and was on a myriad of drugs. She was told by the doctors here THAT NOTHING MORE COULD BE DONE FOR HER and that she HAD TO LEARN TO LIVE WITH HER PAIN AND GET ON WITH HER LIFE. Thank God she found your site on the net. I know that her case was a very difficult one and she was in Germany for 8 weeks but you should see her now!!! It's all been worthwhile. The children have mum back, her husband has his wife back and I have my beautiful daughter back as she was with her beautiful relaxed smile. No longer does she have that very strained look. So from the bottom of my heart its a great big thank you for letting us all know that there is help out there to be painfree.
Guestbook entries from Lorna's aunty Esther, 9/4/07
Hi Mark,
Remember me? I am Lorna's auntie Esther, I met you in Munich.
Just been reading your bit about Lorna. I have been in contact
with her since our return from Munich and each time I speak
to her she always is able to tell me about something else she
can do that, if not for her surgery and the wonderful support
from both the Alpha Klinic and yourself, she would not have
been able to do this time 6 moths ago. She tells me of going
out with Alan, walking with Lily and supporting the boys in
all their activities, its wonderful. As her Scottish aunty
I feel overjoyed to hear her tell of her achievements, I can
only guess what her mum and dad feel, nothing can express our
joy. So, to echo her mums words, thank you all from the bottom
of our hearts.
Esther. |
- (Mark
Here) I spoke with Lorna on the phone. She was delighted to
tell me
about an outing to her 'Chemist'. (That's Aussie for pharmacist.)
It seems that she'd been going to the same Chemist on a monthly
basis for years. He'd only seen her as a woman unable to stand
up straight and always in serious pain. She's been talking to
him for some time and felt that their discussion was somehow
distant or disconnected. Finally, she said to him, "You
don't know who I am, do you?" He about fell over when he
realized that the smiling, normal person in front of him was
really Lorna.
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