The night before
the sympsium, we had a wonderful cocktail party.
Cool Jazz by Dave
Stryker was arranged with the help of future GPN clients at pacific
coast jazz.
The conference day was non-stop... 8am till well
after 6pm

week following the GPN symposium we stayed in NY for the
Arthroplasty Society Meeting. Out and about in NY. |
Mark and Diane with our host, Fabien Bitan and his wonderful wife,
Katerine |

Before and after...
never forget!
The foreground
(below, left) is ground zero, where the twin towers stood.
On the
right, the sphere scultprue that was in the plaza between the towers
was recovered
from the rubble and is now on display at Battery
One of the evening events included a cocktail party on the USS Intrepid.
That's an SR-71 Blackbird on the right... very cool.

At SAS, doctors
Regan and Zeegers discuss a GPN client's case with the help
online patient profile. Making informed decisions is much easier
you have input from many of the best surgeons in the world!

Time square
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